Manaslu Trek - Day 11: Back on the Manaslu Circuit Trail
This is the twelfth post of a three-week series. Please visit the “Adventure Journal” page of our website and start with “Why Nepal?” to read in order! As always, I have added perspectives from the kids (as they allow me to).
Cover Photo: Standing right in front of the Manaslu Circuit signage, which therefore concludes our “long-cut” to Tsum Valley.
*Please note that to see Cover Photo on email notification, you will need to click “Read On” at the bottom of the email.
Day 11: Lokpa (2,240m) - Deng (1,860m)
June 8, 2019
Walked: 4hrs 43mins
Distance: 8.5 miles
Ascent: 1,389 ft
Descent: 1,640 ft
Elevation Gain: -251 ft
OMG. This is not supposed to happen for another three weeks. I can’t believe it’s that time of the month with all of my supplied packed on a mule. I will literally have to hike 8 miles climbing up and down this mountain, using toilet paper. At least I wore a red skirt.
I have no idea what caused an irregular schedule, as I am usually predictably on time, but whatever it was, at least I know why I couldn’t find my positivity yesterday. Today was the exact opposite of a mood. Instead of negativity and insular thinking, I walked in strength and positivity for others.
I chose to walk in a form of rhythmic prayer where I said “God” in my mind over 1,000 times. Then I would hold a thought of one of my ailing loved ones and repeat the prayer 1,000 times again. The rhythmic cadence propelled my walking and holding the thoughts of a higher power, changed my outlook on the trek. I was very much at peace with whatever our decision was going to be about this trek and was resolved to enjoy as much as we could do as a family.
Today was the first day back on the Manaslu Circuit. It was a long day and the kids were tired from the past few days, their legs seemed strong. Kaysee didn’t seem to have any issues with walking, and other than some minor soreness, everyone’s spirits seemed high.
At dinner, we all looked over the trail map and Mingmar told us about each of the remaining days in detail. We had two more longish days in front of us, but the ascents were gradual. After that we had a few half days before the main event, Larke Pass. During dinner, I had an out of body moment in which I watched us all discuss 10-mile hikes like they were easy, and it was then that I really grasped how far we came. Not only were the kids dominating the trails with stories, conversations, and just general wonderment, they were becoming less daunted by the trails that lay ahead of them. We all felt excited to be back on the actual Manaslu Circuit again and looking at the map, made the end feel firmly within our sights. In the end, we all decided to push through and finish the Circuit.
As yesterday’s triple tent sleeping arrangement proved quite useful for much needed sleep, we decided we would opt for three tents again. Well, Kenza really wanted to try being in her own tent, so we said ok. Tonight will be the first time Kapil and I get to sleep on the same tent on this trek (and might be the only time, as the kids find it challenging to sleep alone and/or some of the teahouse gardens don’t have enough flat space for three tents. All three tents will be physically connected with a hanging line and I like that I will be able to hear/respond if any of the kids need something in the middle of the night. Truthfully, I am looking forward to not having to tell a story before bed!
On the Manaslu Circuit trail at a rest stop near our campsite.
Three tents were set-up today because Kenza wanted to try camping by herself. She did not want to connect with the other tents :) Also note Z and Kaysee playing an intense game of chess!
Excerpt from Zayan’s Journal (12 years):
Today was another hot day and I am starting to miss the climate in the Tsum Valley already. We are back in mule territory and some people (Kaysan) fell to escape being trampled. Although we are on Day 11, this is our first day back on the official Manaslu Circuit.
The views are not as great so far, but I think that is because of our low elevation. Flies and mule poop dominate the trail, making every step possibly treacherous. On the bright side, the teahouses look more developed. Hopefully, this development translates into better bathrooms. Fingers crossed. Goodnight.
Z reading at lunch in a teahouse, while Kenza sings!
Excerpt from Kenza’s Journal (9 years):
Today was a long day. We actually started back on the Manaslu Circuit—and we only have a week left. My stomach is turning to get home. I’ve even started thinking of a new wardrobe since most of my clothes were donated before we left (because I’d outgrow them) and my travel clothes are falling apart.
My hips are really hurting because of the walk yesterday, and it didn’t help that I didn’t sleep well. Daddy said that we will talk about whether we want to continue over dinner. I find it really funny that dinner is always at 6:30p sharp everyday. One of my favorite dinners was potato momos (almost like a potato dumpling). I’m sleeping in my own tent tonight so I will tell you how that goes tomorrow.
Daddy-Kenza selfies are a regular thing…
Excerpt from Kaysan’s Journal (7 years):
Today it was half up hill and half down hill. My leg was feeling much better and no pigy bakcs this time form Daddy.
Wile we were hiking Mommy told me a story. Mommy finished a Magic Penny story with Wakanda and the King caled Black Panther. Then Mommy told me anther Magic Penny story with a dog. She only told me the first chapter. Then I told Daddy a choos your own adventure story with whinie the pooh. Then we got there and I beet Mommy and Kenza in a game of chess.
Kaysee is a formidable opponent in chess and has legitimately beaten all of us at some time or another.