
Hello, Bonjour, 你好!

Welcome to the Franklin Street Globetrotters world tour. As we travel the world, we'll document our adventures in travel, food, fun and learning. 

Follow along on Instagram!

Learning to Document

Learning to Document

We have a long way to go. This was our first stab....and sorry to say, it is dreadfully boring. The upside is that the kids learned how to edit and watched themselves in interviews. It was interesting to hear their own critiques "I need to talk louder" or "wow, that wasn't funny"...and it went on and on. Cheers to more engaging video logs and a commitment to selecting a video editing application (so we can ditch the tag)!

YouTube Rookie Video



Our Story: #Gratitude

Our Story: #Gratitude

The Franklin Street Globetrotters

The Franklin Street Globetrotters